Gastvortrag "Psychological Warfare in Modern International Relations", 18.01., 12 Uhr, Raum 02-607

Am 18.01. 2024 ist Dr. Olesia Zvezdova in meine Kolloquium zu Gast. Sie spricht zum Thema "Psychological Warfare in Modern International Relations". Schwerpunktmäßig geht es dabei um die Versuche der russischen Regierung, die öffentliche Meinung in der Ukraine, der EU und in Russland selbst zu beeinflussen. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!

Dr. Olesia Zvezdova


The events, currently taking place in the world, indicate that population of Europe continent is on a verge of transformations in the field of international security, including psychological security as well. Throughout the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war (since 2014), the Russian Federation actively continues to use different psychological mechanisms of influence on the population of Ukraine, the European Union and even its own population. The research proposes to focus on five main mechanisms of psychological influences that are divided according to the means of information dissemination. The audience is invited to discuss the main methods of countering psychological influence in international relations.

Dr. Olesia Zvezdova is a lecturer at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz and a guest researcher at Goethe University Frankfurt. She holds two Master`s Diplomas (in International relations (2010) and in Psychology (2023)). She also has a PhD in Political Science (specification – political problems of international systems and global development). Accordingly, her research is highly interdisciplinary.

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