Lehre Bereich Innenpolitik und Politische Soziologie

Sem (BA/MEd/MA-EU) Radical right-wing populism in Europe

Dozent:innen: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kai Arzheimer
Kurzname: Sem Populism
Kurstyp: Seminar

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches

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Bereiche: AVPS + BRD
Gültig für folgende vom Institut angebotenen Studiengänge:
- BA Politikwissenschaft (Aufbaumodul 2 und 3)
- MEd Sozialkunde ( Modul Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung)
- MA EU (Modul 4 Advanced Module: Politics in Europe)

Digitale Lehre

Sie finden den Online-Kursraum auf Moodle [lms.uni-mainz.de]

Empfohlene Literatur

Cas Mudde (2019): The Far Right Today. Cambridge: Polity.


Since the 1990s or so, parties of the "New", "Radical", "Extreme", "Populist", or "Anti-Immigration" Right have become a permanent feature of political life in most West European countries. More recently, they have been complemented by "radicalised mainstream parties", which adopt at least some elements of the Radical Right's agenda and rhetoric. Collectively, these parties are now known as the "Far Right" and have become a formidable political force that affects the course of national politics and European integration. Moreover, although most of these parties are quite different from the openly Extreme Right of the interwar years, their relationship with the liberal elements of democracy is often problematic, and sometimes they contribute to democratic backsliding. 

This seminar starts with an overview of theories of contemporary radical right success. Next, we will analyse the political developments and the recent situation in several European countries. Finally, we will look at attempts to explain the demand for radical right politics and its consequences in a comparative fashion.


Datum (Wochentag) Zeit Ort
18.04.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
25.04.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
02.05.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
16.05.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
23.05.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
06.06.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
13.06.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
20.06.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
27.06.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
04.07.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
11.07.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)
18.07.2024 (Donnerstag) 12:15 - 13:45 02 607 Seminarraum
1137 - Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi)